Friday, January 6, 2012

Thomas Eakins

Thomas Eakins Self Portrait, 1902
             Thomas was born and raised in Philidolphia, Pa. He went to Central High School, the premier public high school  for arts in the city. Later he went on to, Pensuilvania Academy of Fine Arts to study drawing and anatomy. His first and most famous piece is Matt Schmitt in a single a skull.

The Gross Clinic

The Gross Clinic, 1875
 Eakins has painted over hundreds of portraits of his friends, family and prominent people in the art world. One of his friends he painted was Miss Amelia Van Buren in 1890. He painteds a picture of The Gross Clinic, which is a picture of a going on surgeory. The Art Journal said "it is in every respect a more favorable example of this artist's abilities than his much-talked-of composition representing a dissecting room." It is said to be Eakins favorite painting he ever did. This painting is oil on canvas, like all his other works. It is about 96in by 78in.